The Brest-Belarus Group
Also: Divin, Drogichin, Khomsk, Malech, Telechany
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Seeking Our Family
Please email Terry Zelcer with information about our family, particular people in the following list --

Thanks! Terry

• The late Rabbi Abraham Zelcer and his wife Sara, last known to reside in Jerusalem, Israel. He studied in Vilnia, and also lived in N.Y.

I believe that he wrote a piece about Volchin for the Yizkor Memorial Book.

volchin photo
Terry's cousin Rabbi Abraham Zelcer and his wife Sara, now both deceased.
Jerusalem, Israel 1979.

• My late cousin Nathan Zelcer and his family, who lived in Hafia, Israel. He fought in the Russian Army during the war and had one prosthetic arm.

• Gresha (neé Zeltser), my Grandfather Lejb’s sister and her 2 daughters from Volchin.

• A lady called Mamel, the 2nd wife of my Great Grandfather Faivel Zeltser, Volchin. His first wife was Shprintsa Derdak.

• The family Seltzer - Louis and Sheine from Volchin who went to live in America. They both appear in the Yizkor Memorial Book.

• The family Derdak from Volchin and Vysokoye.

• The family Vanier (Weiner) from Volchin.

• Any Zelcer’s/Zeltser’s who went to live in Argentina from Volchin.


Page Last Updated: 16-Mar-2010