The Brest-Belarus Group
Also: Divin, Drogichin, Khomsk, Malech, Telechany
Table of Contents  (?)
Site Page Counts
Public: 510
Restricted: 677
This site has been designed to be easy to use -- as simple as possible -- while taking advantage of technological aids.

Site Navigation
Navigation is the web term for getting around the web site. The fundamental technique is using hyperlinks, or links for short. Links can occur on any portion of text or any graphic, and -- in some cases -- specific areas within a graphic. Text links usually lead you to related material on another page. Links on photos may lead you to related material on another page. Or, clicking on a linked photo may display a larger version of that photo.

How do you find links? Although many alternatives may be seen in modern web sites, the standard method to indicate a text link is coloring the text and underlining in blue, as follows:

           This is a link.

You probably already know that your browser remembers links you have recently followed, and displays them in purple, instead.

On this site, most photos and graphics are presented initially as thumbnails -- small versions of the original -- in order to save space and accommodate people who have slower Internet connections. These are marked on our site by a blue border, as follows:

Baseball game, 2004
Baseball Game, Brest
Photo Credit: Yogi555

If you see a graphic without a noticeable blue border, the size you see is the only size we have.

Different browsers may use different additional ways of marking images leading to other images. Sometimes the cursor changes when you move it over a linked photo. What you see specifically will depend on your computer, browser, and setup.

Most text links that lead to other pages on our site do not open a new window (or tab, depending on your browser and its settings). There are exceptions for reference material that you might want to view simultaneously with the original. Links to other web sites should always open a new window.

Searching This Site
You can use Google to search this entire site for a keyword – or any combination of search terms and/or directives accepted by Google. For example
, if you want to find pages containing "green" and "synagogue" enter the following into the Google search box:

      green synagogue 

(The ordering seems to be important; specify the search terms first.) More specifically, to find the phrase "green shul":

      "green shul" 

Google offers this method among other tips and tricks, here.

Note: Recently-added content may not be detected by Google right away, so if your search fails, try again in a few days.

Table of Contents
We expect most people will navigate our site through the Table of Contents at the left of each page. This is essentially the same as you would find in a book, with the exception that you will only see subheadings in the single area you are examining. You can click on any visible link (underlined text) but the heading corresponding to the currently visible content at right is not functional as a link.

If this explanation seems too complicated, just try looking through the Table of Contents and click links you find. You'll almost certainly find it operates in a common-sense way.

For the Visually Impaired
Do you find the text on our site too small to read? This web site has been constructed with text sizes appropriate to viewers with average vision. With our limited resources, it is beyond our capacity to provide text size adjustments, but modern browsers provide you with a method for doing this. Please try to use these. If you need assistance, we will do our best to help. Please contact the webmaster.

It is the intent of web standards that alternative text descriptions be provided for all photographs and graphics so that visitors unable to view such content can understand what is depicted. With limited resources, we've done our best to provide such descriptions, but we know we've fallen short. If you depend on alternative text descriptions of photos, please contact the webmaster, and we'll work something out.

Our site looks different on a different computer or browser
Some web sites look the same no matter how you look at them. With others, you'll notice different text appearances, spacing, margins, etc. if you look at the same material on different computers.

Web authors use two general methods of making sites as consistent as possible: Using standard methods, and testing on multiple computers, browsers, and different versions of the same browsers.

This site is constructed using standard methods -- the simplest possible methods -- to make the site work. But we just don't have the resources to test extensively, so you will need to excuse minor variations in appearance. If you find variations that interfere with your using the site, please report those to the webmaster and we'll do our best to address them.

About the Notes and Comments
The Notes and Comments section is an experimental method of bringing you extra material about the main content of the page. Some of the text in this section may describe what we'd like to do in the future, material we'd like to have on the page. Other text may provide additional background on the main content.

Page Last Updated: 02-Sep-2023
BootstrapTimer0.99 ms
Event: pre_systemEvents0.27 ms
Required Before FiltersTimer0.27 ms
RoutingTimer0.10 ms
Before FiltersTimer0.01 ms
ControllerTimer2.28 ms
Controller ConstructorTimer0.96 ms
View: templates/html_header.phpViews0.05 ms
View: templates/site_header.phpViews0.04 ms
View: templates/start_site_content_area.phpViews0.42 ms
View: templates/site_content_only.phpViews0.11 ms
View: templates/end_site_content_area.phpViews0.04 ms
View: templates/site_footer.phpViews0.03 ms
After FiltersTimer0.00 ms
Required After FiltersTimer0.08 ms


Severity Message
warning [DEPRECATED] Creation of dynamic property App\Controllers\Pages::$ion_auth is deprecated in APPPATH/Controllers/Pages.php on line 117. 1 SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php(903): App\Controllers\Pages->__construct() 2 SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php(500): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->createController() 3 SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php(355): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->handleRequest(null, Object(Config\Cache), false) 4 SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php(325): CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter->run() 5 SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php(67): CodeIgniter\Boot::runCodeIgniter(Object(CodeIgniter\CodeIgniter)) 6 FCPATH/index.php(56): CodeIgniter\Boot::bootWeb(Object(Config\Paths))
info Session: Class initialized using 'CodeIgniter\Session\Handlers\FileHandler' driver.
info entered Pages::pagev() Current Working Directory is /var/www/html/b/public
info entered Pages::pagev() $target_page is mh
info entered Pages::pagev() current_uri is
info entered Pages::pagev() uri_str is mh/using.i.html
info entered Pages::pagev() ADJUSTED $target_page: mh/using.i.html
info Pages::pagev(), starting menuing preps and security processing
info In Userid::ProcessCSV(): Examining existing CSV...
info In Userid::ProcessCSV(): a CSV file exists...
info In Userid::ProcessCSV(): Menu File is newer (later) or same as CSV file...
info Entered: TargetRestricted()
info TargetRestricted(): Page not restricted
info Pages::pagev(), detected UNprotected page, no further security concerns
info In Pages::pagev(): Start page building preps
info In utility SniffTargetPage()
info in SniffTargetPage() at html4 a_match, the title: Using this Site
info in SniffTargetPage() html4 b_match fail
info in SniffTargetPage() at end, the title: Using this Site
info In Pages::pagev(): returned from SniffTargetPage()
info In Pages::pagev(): saved target_page in $data
info In ...views/templates/htmlheader.php" placed html4 transitional marker at start
info in site_header.php entry, the title: Using this Site
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, entering php
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, 2 menu support files included
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, menu data included
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, generating left-nav.
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, telling menuing module current focus: /mh/using.i.html
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, telling menuing module to ENABLE menu expansion here below
info in start_bbo_content_area.php, finished generating left-nav.
info story_page_include: got totalsdata.json
info In bbo_content_only.php, entering php
info In bbo_content_only.php, filling right pane of content area.
info In bbo_content_only.php, passed fill file is: mh/using.i.html
info In bbo_content_only.php, finished filling right pane of content area.
info In bbo_content_only.php, Done!
info Entering end_bbo_content_area.php, ending right column of content area with /div
info Near end of end_bbo_content_area.php, ending two columns container with /div
info ======================At end of bbo_footer.php, ending html page======================

Files ( 154 )

Common.php APPPATH/Common.php
App.php APPPATH/Config/App.php
Autoload.php APPPATH/Config/Autoload.php
development.php APPPATH/Config/Boot/development.php
Cache.php APPPATH/Config/Cache.php
Constants.php APPPATH/Config/Constants.php
ContentSecurityPolicy.php APPPATH/Config/ContentSecurityPolicy.php
Cookie.php APPPATH/Config/Cookie.php
Database.php APPPATH/Config/Database.php
DocTypes.php APPPATH/Config/DocTypes.php
Events.php APPPATH/Config/Events.php
Exceptions.php APPPATH/Config/Exceptions.php
Feature.php APPPATH/Config/Feature.php
Filters.php APPPATH/Config/Filters.php
Kint.php APPPATH/Config/Kint.php
Logger.php APPPATH/Config/Logger.php
Modules.php APPPATH/Config/Modules.php
Optimize.php APPPATH/Config/Optimize.php
Paths.php APPPATH/Config/Paths.php
Routes.php APPPATH/Config/Routes.php
Routing.php APPPATH/Config/Routing.php
Services.php APPPATH/Config/Services.php
Session.php APPPATH/Config/Session.php
Toolbar.php APPPATH/Config/Toolbar.php
UserAgents.php APPPATH/Config/UserAgents.php
Validation.php APPPATH/Config/Validation.php
View.php APPPATH/Config/View.php
BaseController.php APPPATH/Controllers/BaseController.php
Pages.php APPPATH/Controllers/Pages.php
end_site_content_area.php APPPATH/Views/templates/end_site_content_area.php
html_header.php APPPATH/Views/templates/html_header.php
site_content_only.php APPPATH/Views/templates/site_content_only.php
site_footer.php APPPATH/Views/templates/site_footer.php
site_header.php APPPATH/Views/templates/site_header.php
start_site_content_area.php APPPATH/Views/templates/start_site_content_area.php
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Menu.php FCPATH/include/menu_gen/Menu.php
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index.php FCPATH/index.php
menudata.php FCPATH/menu+access/menudata.php
using.i.html FCPATH/mh/using.i.html
ResponseTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/API/ResponseTrait.php
Autoloader.php SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/Autoloader.php
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FileLocatorInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Autoloader/FileLocatorInterface.php
Boot.php SYSTEMPATH/Boot.php
CacheFactory.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/CacheFactory.php
CacheInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/CacheInterface.php
BaseHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/BaseHandler.php
FileHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/Handlers/FileHandler.php
ResponseCache.php SYSTEMPATH/Cache/ResponseCache.php
CodeIgniter.php SYSTEMPATH/CodeIgniter.php
Common.php SYSTEMPATH/Common.php
AutoloadConfig.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/AutoloadConfig.php
BaseConfig.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/BaseConfig.php
BaseService.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/BaseService.php
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Routing.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/Routing.php
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View.php SYSTEMPATH/Config/View.php
Controller.php SYSTEMPATH/Controller.php
CloneableCookieInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CloneableCookieInterface.php
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CookieInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CookieInterface.php
CookieStore.php SYSTEMPATH/Cookie/CookieStore.php
Config.php SYSTEMPATH/Database/Config.php
Exceptions.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Exceptions.php
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Toolbar.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar.php
BaseCollector.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/BaseCollector.php
Database.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Database.php
Events.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Events.php
Files.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Files.php
Logs.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Logs.php
Routes.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Routes.php
Timers.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Timers.php
Views.php SYSTEMPATH/Debug/Toolbar/Collectors/Views.php
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DebugToolbar.php SYSTEMPATH/Filters/DebugToolbar.php
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Method.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Method.php
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Request.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Request.php
RequestInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestInterface.php
RequestTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/RequestTrait.php
Response.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/Response.php
ResponseInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseInterface.php
ResponseTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/ResponseTrait.php
SiteURIFactory.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/SiteURIFactory.php
UserAgent.php SYSTEMPATH/HTTP/UserAgent.php
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TimeTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/I18n/TimeTrait.php
BaseHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Handlers/BaseHandler.php
FileHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Handlers/FileHandler.php
HandlerInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Handlers/HandlerInterface.php
Logger.php SYSTEMPATH/Log/Logger.php
Modules.php SYSTEMPATH/Modules/Modules.php
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RouteCollectionInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouteCollectionInterface.php
Router.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/Router.php
RouterInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Router/RouterInterface.php
BaseHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/Handlers/BaseHandler.php
FileHandler.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/Handlers/FileHandler.php
Session.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/Session.php
SessionInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Session/SessionInterface.php
Superglobals.php SYSTEMPATH/Superglobals.php
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FacadeInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/FacadeInterface.php
Kint.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Kint.php
AbstractRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/AbstractRenderer.php
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RendererInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/RendererInterface.php
RichRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/RichRenderer.php
TextRenderer.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Renderer/TextRenderer.php
Utils.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/Utils.php
init.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/init.php
init_helpers.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/Kint/init_helpers.php
LogLevel.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/PSR/Log/LogLevel.php
LoggerAwareTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/PSR/Log/LoggerAwareTrait.php
LoggerInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/ThirdParty/PSR/Log/LoggerInterface.php
CreditCardRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/CreditCardRules.php
FileRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/FileRules.php
FormatRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/FormatRules.php
Rules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/Rules.php
CreditCardRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/StrictRules/CreditCardRules.php
FileRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/StrictRules/FileRules.php
FormatRules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/StrictRules/FormatRules.php
Rules.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/StrictRules/Rules.php
Validation.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/Validation.php
ValidationInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/Validation/ValidationInterface.php
RendererInterface.php SYSTEMPATH/View/RendererInterface.php
View.php SYSTEMPATH/View/View.php
ViewDecoratorTrait.php SYSTEMPATH/View/ViewDecoratorTrait.php


Matched Route

Controller: \App\Controllers\Pages
Method: pagev
Params: 4 / 1
$target_page = mh

Defined Routes

Method Route Handler
GET ContributorsOnly.i.html \App\Controllers\Pages::xcontrib
GET auth \App\Controllers\Auth::index
GET auth/login \App\Controllers\Auth::login
GET / \App\Controllers\Pages::viewhome
GET (.+) \App\Controllers\Pages::pagev/$1/$1
POST include/contact/dataProcess.php \App\Controllers\Contact::contactform


Time Event Name Times Called
0.27 ms pre_system 1


Action Datetime Status Method URL Content-Type Is AJAX?
2025-03-26 23:53:50.482122 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:51:56.302757 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:49:49.918187 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:47:56.554498 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:45:59.124207 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:44:04.651605 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:42:51.369847 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:42:12.679254 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:40:16.324429 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:40:12.864088 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:40:02.889197 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:38:07.379515 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:36:10.049036 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:34:20.402669 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:33:03.094312 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:32:25.957250 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:30:29.602205 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:28:33.305792 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:27:55.973032 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No
2025-03-26 23:27:55.737857 200 GET text/html; charset=UTF-8 No

View Data

csvfilename /var/www/html/b/public/menu+access/menu.csv
menufilename /var/www/html/b/public/menu+access/menudata.php
$value boolean false
title Using this Site
ThisDoctype html4
the_content mh/using.i.html

Session User Data


Request ( HTTP/1.1 )


Connection keep-alive
Pragma no-cache
Cache-Control no-cache
Upgrade-Insecure-Requests 1
User-Agent Mozilla/5.0 AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko; compatible; ClaudeBot/1.0;
Accept text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,image/avif,image/webp,image/apng,*/*;q=0.8,application/signed-exchange;v=b3;q=0.7
Accept-Encoding gzip, deflate

Response ( 200 - OK )


Content-Type text/html; charset=UTF-8

System Configuration

Read the CodeIgniter docs...

CodeIgniter Version: 4.5.4
PHP Version: 8.3.19
PHP SAPI: apache2handler
Environment: development
Base URL:
Timezone: UTC
Locale: en
Content Security Policy Enabled: No