The Brest-Belarus Group
Also: Divin, Drogichin, Khomsk, Malech, Telechany
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The Brest, Belarus Research SIG, was approached in November of 2004 by Mr. Boris Bruk of the Jewish Community of Brest to help the Jews of Brest install a commemorative plaque in the memory of Menachem Begin, who was born in Brest.

Menachem Begin Plaque

This dedication took place in Brest on Friday, September 23, 2005. Brest dignitaries, led Mayor Alekander Sergeyevich Palyshenkov attended the dedication ceremony to honor this great statesman. There was also a representative of United States Ambassador George Albert Krol at the dedication. Larry Schenker from the United States represented the Brest Belarus Research SIG and Zvi Mann from Israel represented thirty-three people from the United States, Canada and Israel.

Mayor Alekander Sergeyevich Palyshenkov, Brest, Belarus Boris Bruk, Brest, Belarus
begin ceremony begin ceremony
Larry Schenker, Los Angeles, California, USA Zvi Mann, Israel

The plaque, measuring 110 x 90 cm (43.3 x 35.4 inches) was installed on the building that was the former grammar school that Menachem Begin attended. It is located at Kuibyshev Street, 49.

The plaque before the unveiling The plaque ready to be unveiled by Boris Bruk (Brest, Belarus) and Larry Schenker (Los Angeles, California) The plaque unveiled by Boris Bruk (Brest, Belarus) and Larry Schenker (Los Angeles, California)

Grammar school that Begin attended Grammar school that Begin attended
School Begin attended (1) School Begin attended (2)

Financing the Memorial
Money was required to manufacture and install the memorial dedication. The Brest Jewish Community could not raise the necessary funds among the citizens of Brest. They asked the Briskers around the world, plus friends of Menachem Begin in Israel and around the world to raise the necessary money for the installation and dedication of this Granite Plaque.

Donations were received from:

 Larry Schenker  Los Angeles  California  United States  
 Anonymous  Tel Aviv    Israel  
 Nancy Smit  Brooklyn  New York  United States  
 Ruth Baidatch  Yavneel    Israel  
 Ruth Bedrax  Ra'anana    Israel  
 Zvi Mann  Be-er Sheva    Israel  
 Dvorah Yocheved Netzer  Jerusalem    Israel  
 Anonymous  New York  New York  United States  

Official Documents

Permission letter to install plaque


B. M. Bruk
The Chairman of the Board of Brisk
The Brest City Jewish Community Organization

Concerning a memorial plaque

Dear Boris Mendelevich,

Your appeal regarding establishing a memorial board in honor of M. Begin at the Brest City Executive Committee has been examined.

We find it advisable to establish in the city of Brest a memorial plaque in honor of Nobel Laureate and Prime Minister of Israel M. Begin, a native of Brest with the text agreed earlier:


[signature] L. A. TSUPRIK


The Brest Jewish Community has received official permission of the Brest City Government to erect this plaque. This official permission was received in November 2004.


Brest City Executive Committee [City Council]
DECISION No 975 of 21 July 2005
Brest City

Concerning the Placement of a Memorial Plaque to M. Begin

In order to perpetuate the memory of Brest native, Nobel Prize laureate, and Prime Minister of Israel M. Begin, and guided by the Belarussian Council of Ministers Decree No 1393 of 6 September 2000, Approval of the Statute about the Procedure for Planning, Creating, Renovation, and Inspection of Works of Monumental and Monumental Decorative Art on Belarussian Territory, the Brest City Executive Committee has DECIDED:

1. To request the Brest Oblast Executive Committee consider the question of permitting the placement of a memorial plaque to M. Begin at a meeting of the Oblast Executive Committee.

2. To approve the following text of the memorial plaque in two languages (Hebrew and Russian):

PRIME MINISTER OF ISRAEL 1977-1983 [corrected from head of state]
3. To bear in mind that according to previous agreements the manufacture and placement of the memorial plaque and the decoration at 49 Kuybyshev Street are to be made at the expense of Brisk, the Brest City Jewish Social Organization.

4. The Brest City Jewish Social Organization Brisk is to coordinate a sketch and site of the memorial plaque at the building with the Directorate of Architecture, City Design, and Construction of the City Executive Committee.

5. The KUP [Unitary Municipal Enterprise] ZhREhU [Housing Repair and Operations Directorate ] (P. P. Zagray) of the city of Brest is to include repair of the facade of the building at 49 Kuybyshev Street in the facade repair program for 2006.

6. By 22 September 2005 the KUP Brest Specialized Enterprise (Ye. M. Maksimuk) is to manufacture, place, and budget for the memorial plaque.

7. Oversight of the execution of this decision is entrusted to V. T. Khafizov, Deputy Chairman of the Brest City Executive Committee.

A. S. Palyshenkov Chairman of the Executive Committee V. V. Chernov Chief of Administration of the Executive Committee

[seal of the Records Sector of the City Executive Committee]

The Brest Jewish Community received a second letter of official permission of the Brest City Government to erect this plaque.
This official permission was received in July 21, 2005.

Page Last Updated: 22-Nov-2016
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Read the CodeIgniter docs...

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