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Baruch Meir
made note of the Kishinev Pogrom on "the last day of Passover, 1903".
Death in Zhitomer
Monday through Wednesday of Iyar [May 1905] a pogrom in Zhitomir ended in unnatural deaths of many Jews… and many other towns.
On Sunday 8th of Sivan [June 1905] A pogrom in Brisk and many Jews were killed and injured and many lost all their possessions. Our fear in Mezritch has increased
Baruch Meir continues:
October 1905: a train strike. A new constitution from the king [probably: Tzar] was opposed by a people's revolt. Progroms resulted in many towns, and about 15,000 Jews were killed.
More Pogroms in 1906
...on 14 June 1906 - pogroms in Bialystok. Many were killed, several hundred Jews and their possessions were robbed. God will preserve his people."
A Shattering Libel
Baruch Meir was shattered by a new libel in Ukraine in 1911: an accusation that Menahem Mendel Beilis ritually murdered a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy. Beilis was eventually acquitted.
Beilis was acquitted of the blood libel on November 10th 1913 and the Beilis trial is over... In the meantime, the issue spread sorrow and fear among the Jews.
Baruch Meir was very aware of what took place in Poland, Russia, and elsewhere, and whenever there were pogroms he noted them with exact dates in his diary.
Sample pages about 1903 pogroms |
Sample pages about 1906 pogroms |
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